The school is open in the mornings after the arrival of the first bus at approximately 8.10am. Please ensure your children are at school by 8.45am, so they can be unpacked and ready to start learning at 8.55am.
OFFICE HOURS The School Office is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday – Friday, during the term. The School Secretary, Mrs Paula Stace, will be happy to assist. You can contact us during school hours: email [email protected] or phone 06 328 8845. A - Z OF IMPORTANT TOPICS: ABOUT US➢ ABSENCE If your child is sick or unable to attend school, parents must contact the school before 8.55am. For your child’s safety, unexplained absences are routinely investigated. Teachers keep a daily record of attendance. If there are concerns about absences from school, the Principal will contact families. We use The Feilding Truancy Service to assist us with attendance issues. |
HALCOMBE SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKOur booklet of 'school rules' is issued to all families and regularly updated. It contains all the information found on this page in a handy printed format. Download the latest 'Halcombe School Information Book' pdf HERE. Concerns, questions or complaintsIf there are problems at school or you are unhappy about something, please talk to your child's teacher or contact the Office as soon as possible. Please follow our Concerns or Questions Process for a satisfactory outcome. We are always happy to help and want to put things right. |
An AED is located by the main entrance to the School Hall, for school and community use, in an emergency. Dial 111 for the access code and first aid support from Hato Hone St John.
Students who arrive late to school must check in at the school Office before going to their classroom.
Please notify the Office or your child’s teacher if your child needs to leave school early for an appointment. Children can be collected from the school Office. We ask that parents not go directly to the classrooms or into the cloak bays looking for children or to deliver lunches or other items. Where possible, appointments should be made outside school hours.
Classes are rostered to run school assemblies, mostly in Terms 2 & 3. The programme includes the presentation of class items and student awards. Parents are welcome to attend. Dates and times for assemblies are notified through our newsletters.
A number of students bike to school each day. We have the following rules:
Halcombe School has a “zero tolerance” approach to bullying. Bullying of any kind - verbal or physical - will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying, no matter how minor they may seem, to their teacher, the duty teacher, or the Principal. Students are taught strategies about how to deal with any incidents of behaviour they do not like.
For a comprehensive definition of bullying and the kinds of behaviour that we consider bullying, and those that are not, please refer to this excellent article (2020 Term 4 week 1; page 2).
Many of our pupils use the school bus service each day. Managing school buses is a major task, and we need the co-operation of families to ensure that our students travel safely and buses are on schedule.
To catch the afternoon bus, children line up outside Rooms 6, 7 and 8 in designated bus lines. The Bus Controller is on duty to supervise. Senior students act as bus monitors.
Rooms 5, 6, 7 & 8 have short camps at the beginning of the year. These are usually for two nights and are often held at school. The three senior classes also take part in extended Outdoor Education Camps, usually in Term 4. Information on each camp, including cost, will be sent home during the year. Students are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities for these camps. Meetings for families are held prior to each camp. From time to time, children in other classes may also have the opportunity to have an overnight camp - usually at school.
Parking is provided in the Hall car park and on Monteith Street. Space is limited. Please take care when entering and leaving the car-park, especially during the afternoons. Do not double-park, park on the yellow lines, or on the grass verges outside neighbouring properties. Drivers must reverse into the Hall carparks so that they have clear vision as they drive out. Everyone must use the footpath around the edge of the Hall carpark - no cutting across. Additional parking is available at the front of the school on Monteith Street (please keep clear of bus parks). Everyone (adults & children) MUST use the designated crossing at the corner.
We request that parents don't bring birthday cakes or similar to share with the class on their child's birthday. We don't need party invitations, Christmas cards or candy canes being handed out at school either. This often singles out children and produces excess rubbish.
Students must not use cellphones at school or on the buses. Phones must be handed in to the Office for the day. Phones found at school without permission will be confiscated.
The Charter is an important document that outlines the direction for Halcombe School. It is developed by the Board of Trustees in consultation with our school community and is regularly reviewed. Policies on all aspects of school management are also developed and reviewed by the Board. See Board Documents.
We actively encourage children to have pride in self, have a continual focus on their learning, and ensure what they wear and how it is worn allows them to be safe. These rules may seem ‘traditional’ but they allow our students to concentrate on things that matter in school. While Halcombe School encourages individuality, some styles of clothing and accessories are unsuitable and inappropriate for school.
Our Code of Behaviour sets out our expectations for students, staff and families, as we strive to achieve our Vision and be a successful school.
The Board of Trustees is committed to building and maintaining a strong partnership with the whole community. From time to time you will have the opportunity to respond to surveys from the Board. Community meetings, forums and surveys are held periodically where parents have the opportunity to share their ideas on a range of issues.
If there are problems at school or you are unhappy about something, please talk to your child's teacher or contact the office as soon as possible. Please follow our Concern or Questions Process for a satisfactory outcome. We are always happy to help and want to put things right.
It is important that the information we have about your child is up to date. Please let us know of any changes, especially telephone contact numbers, health issues and guardianship. From time to time we will need to contact families if a child is unwell or we have a serious incident. It can be very difficult and time-consuming for us, and stressful for your child, if we cannot contact you quickly. We update all contact information for students at the start of each school year. Remember that the KIT Book is also available as an excellent way to communicate with teachers.
At the beginning of each year, we ask for a small financial contribution from all families. The school contribution helps us to provide a full range of resources and activities, including classroom essentials, such as tissues, sunblock and the weekly newsletter. If families do not pay the charge, please provide your child with tissues and sunblock. No hard copy of the newsletter will be sent home. Regular fundraising helps us to keep these charges to a minimum. We also collect fees for Technology for Year 7 & 8 students. Charges are collected in Term 1.
Please follow the latest advice on the COVID-19 Health Hub website:
The Curriculum is 'what our children are learning.' Halcombe School is guided by The New Zealand Curriculum and develops its own curriculum that meets the learning needs and aspirations of our students. There are eight learning areas in The New Zealand Curriculum: English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Learning Languages, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Sciences, and Technology. A range of topics and a process of inquiry helps us to link these curriculum areas in meaningful ways.
The 'Key Competencies' (see below), which sit alongside the learning areas, are designed to encourage enjoyment of learning, the ability to think critically, manage self, set goals to overcome obstacles and get along with others – the attributes children need to succeed as adults.
Our curriculum is developed by our Principal and teachers. Our Board of Trustees is required to make sure that a quality programme of teaching and learning is in place. We regularly assess all students and report on their progress to their families and, in broad groups, to the Board or Trustees and Ministry of Education. See also 'Reporting to Parents' below.
Every year, and at Enrolment, families must complete the Digital Citizenship Agreement for each student before that child can use devices. The Agreement outlines the school's policy and rules for the acceptable use of the internet and all areas of ICT at school.
We will request permission at Enrolment for the school to publish a child's image and/or school work online. It is important that parents understand these issues. If you have any questions, please ask. Please also see 'Publication of Student Images and School Work' (below). The school may use 'The Harmful Digital Communications Act' (2015) in cases of inappropriate use of social media e.g. Facebook.
If you need to bring in items to your children during the school day - for example forgotten books, lunches, or sports gear - please come to the Office and we will deliver items for you. We ask that parents not go directly to the classrooms or cloak-bays.
Dental therapists will treat pre-schoolers and school students using the Mobile Dental Service. You will be notified through the newsletter when the dental therapists are next at school. You are welcome to contact the dental therapists at any time if you have concerns about your child’s oral health. Please phone 06 322 8791 or 0800 825 583.
At Halcombe School we encourage children to be responsible for their own actions and to treat others as they would like to be treated. We find that attention-seeking behaviour, both in classrooms and the playground, is often best dealt with by removing the student from the ‘audience’. We encourage an atmosphere where children feel comfortable speaking out about bullying and unacceptable behaviour. Parents will be called if behaviour is causing concern, so that the home and school can work through the issues together. Recurrent disruptive, abusive or aggressive behaviour and wilful damage are very serious matters and will be treated accordingly.
Dogs are not permitted in the school grounds unless part of the school programme. Please let us know if you see a dog in the school grounds out of school hours.
Prospective students and their families are encouraged to visit the school, prior to enrolling, to meet the Principal and our friendly teachers and support staff, and take a tour of the school and classrooms. Please contact the Office 06 328 8845 for more information and to make an appointment.
Our Board of Trustees has implemented an Enrolment Scheme for Halcombe School.
Enrolment Process - to enrol a student we will require:
You will complete enrolment forms for the school, as well as for the WDHB Dental Service, and you will complete a Digital Citizenship Agreement for your child (regarding the safe and responsible use of computers, other IT devices and the internet).
All enrolment forms are available at the school Office. Please note: children will not be able to attend school until all paperwork has been completed and returned to the Office.
For children transferring from another school in New Zealand, we will contact that school to confirm that students have enrolled at a new school and request their academic information for our teachers.
New Entrant Before-School Visits: Preschoolers will visit for a number of sessions before officially starting school. Our new entrant teacher will arrange these visits with you. During these visits, you can collect your enrolment forms, class information and student stationery from the Office and make arrangements for school buses etc.
New Entrant Start Dates: New entrant children will start school on the Monday following their 5th birthday: if Monday is a public holiday, then children will start on Tuesday. If their birthday is a Monday, they can start that day, or the following week.
Halcombe School has a popular Facebook page. Regular posts keep everyone up-to-date with school news, photos and important daily notices about events e.g. bus issues, school closures, sports cancellations, classes returning from trips.
You are welcome to leave a comment, but please keep it positive. Our school Facebook page is not the place to air grievances. Comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted. Except in special circumstances, we do not answer questions that are asked on Facebook.
Head lice are a recurring problem in all schools and we appreciate families doing their best to control outbreaks. We will check students' hair if we suspect head lice are present. We request consent at Enrolment for this to be done. In the case of persistent infestation, a student with headlice may be asked to stay home until the lice are treated.
Please keep us informed of any heath issues that may affect your child at school or impact on their ability to learn. We update student health records and contact details at the start of each school year. See also "Illness, Accidents & Emergencies" below.
'Homework' is a topic that can cause much tension in families. At Halcombe School, we have given this issue much consideration and have produced our own philosophy on 'Home Learning'.
Our expectations around Home Learning:
A ‘House’ system operates throughout the school for inter-house sport and other competitions held at during the year. When your child enrols they will be placed in one of four houses: Kauri, Matai, Rimu, or Totara. If you are a former pupil, please let us know, as we follow family traditions when placing your children in a House. Senior students act as ‘House Leaders’.
Students do occasionally become ill or hurt themselves at school. We have a well-equipped sick-bay and a staff member has designated responsibility for this area. All staff have experience and training in first aid. Unless injuries or health concerns are minor, we will consult with families and may send children home. If we cannot contact you directly, we will use your emergency contacts. In emergencies, we may contact your GP for further advice or call an ambulance. Families give permission at Enrolment for emergency medical care to be sought on their behalf.
Please keep your contact details up-to-date and let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s health. We update student health records and contact details at the start of each school year. See also “Medication at School” below.
We have EFTPOS at the Office and we also accept online or internet banking payments for most school events or activities, including stationery purchases, camp fees, bus tickets and the school charge. Our bank account details are: 01 0625 0106729 00 (ANZ Feilding). Please use student or family name, event and/or invoice number as a reference. Make sure online payments are received by the school by the due date.
The Key Competencies are the capabilities people need to live, learn, work and contribute as active members of their communities. They are threaded throughout all dimensions of the school curriculum, all the learning areas, and our vision and our values. The key competencies are designed to encourage enjoyment of learning, the ability to think critically, manage self, set goals to overcome obstacles and get along with others - the attributes children need to succeed as adults.
Thinking: Use creative, critical, meta-cognitive and reflective processes to make sense of information, ideas, experiences. Actively seek, use and create knowledge. Reflect on own learning, draw on personal knowledge and intuitions, ask questions, challenge the basis of assumption and perceptions.
Using language, symbols and texts: Interpret and use words, number, images, movement, metaphor and technologies in a range of situations. Recognise how choices of language and symbol affect people’s understanding and ways in which they respond to communications. Use ICT confidently to communicate and access information.
Managing self: A ‘can do’ attitude and self-motivation. Set personal goals, make plans, have high personal standards. Be enterprising, resourceful, reliable, resilient. Have strategies for meeting challenges. Know when and how to follow someone’s lead, or make own well-informed choices.
Relating to others: Interact effectively with a diverse range of people in a variety of contexts. Listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate and share ideas. Open to new learning. Take different roles in different situations. Know when it is appropriate to compete, and when it is appropriate to co-operate.
Participating and contributing: Participating actively in local, national, global communities. Respond appropriately as a group member. Make connections to others. Create opportunities for including people in group activities.
Ask your child and see their teacher for more information about the 'Key Comp's' at Halcombe School.
The KIT Book is a 'Keeping in Touch' book. It will contain important class notices and provides a chance for families and teachers to communicate about students and their learning. Students should bring their KIT Books home every day.
Our school has a very well-resourced library. All children are able to borrow books each week and all classes have a set library time.
The Lost Property box is at the back of Rooms 3 and 4. Check it for any misplaced items! The school requests that you name all your child’s clothing.
Good nutrition maximises your child’s ability to stay alert and focused on their learning. You are encouraged to provide simple, nutritious healthy lunches for your children; for example sandwiches, fruit, plain biscuits and water. Please do not pack sweets or chocolate bars.
Unless specifically requested by a GP or medical specialist, medication will NOT be administered by school staff to students at school.
Weekly newsletters are sent home with every Tuesday to keep you informed of events at school. The newsletter is also available from the Newsletters page of this website. And please check KIT Books daily for class notices and messages from your child's teacher.
The School Office is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday – Friday, during term. The School Secretary will be happy to assist you.
There are often opportunities for parents/caregivers to assist in the classroom or to help with special projects such as ‘art days’ or sports practices. If you are available to act as a parent-help, whether on a regular basis or for a short period only, please talk with your child’s teacher or contact the Office. Please note that it may not always be suitable for preschoolers to accompany you while you are parent-helping.
The staff at Halcombe School are responsible for the social and emotional well-being and safety of all our students. The school has a genuine concern for the pastoral care of our students. If there are personal or confidential matters affecting your child that may impact on their learning or behaviour, we hope you will feel comfortable talking to us and allow us to find ways to offer support.
Halcombe School holds a Pet Day early in Term 4, in conjunction with the 'Manawatu Oroua Boys and Girls Agricultural Club'.
Pet Day is very much a whole-school and community day. Pet Day includes calf, lamb and kid (goat) competitions, dogs and other pets. Horses may be entered in the pet section, but may not be ridden at school. Information and entry forms will be available in Term 3 via the newsletter. Children also contribute to indoor exhibits and displays as part of Pet Day. Details are given in class.
Students at all levels will take part in a wide range of sport and fitness activities as part of our physical education programme. The programme includes athletics, swimming, cross-country, ball skills, te reo kori, dance and gymnastics.
During Terms 2 & 3, we provide pie warmers in the admin area for children to heat up their winter lunches.
Halcombe Playcentre is a family-based co-operative Early Childhood Education Service. Please phone Halcombe Playcentre
(06 328 8693) for more information or visit their Facebook page.
The Junior Christmas Party and Senior Prizegiving are held during the final weeks of the school year.
Information that is collected by the school about your child becomes part of their essential school records. Your child's records may be viewed on request at the school. Families give permission at Enrolment for pupil information to be forwarded to appropriate health and educational authorities, within the limitations of the Privacy Act. The school has a designated Privacy Officer to discuss inquiries about students’ privacy. The school’s Privacy Officer is Mr Alastair Schaw (Principal).
Public Health nurses work with our school to provide health information for teachers and families, and to carry out routine vision and hearing tests and vaccination programmes. See also "Vision and Hearing" below. Individual children can be referred to the Public Health Service for assistance with health or welfare problems.
Public Health nurses carry out routine immunisations at the school (e.g. HPV or Year 7 dTaP vaccinations). Information packs and consent forms are sent home prior to any vaccination programme. The school is required to maintain an Immunisation Register with data on all students. We collect this information at Enrolment.
A teacher is on duty to supervise children using the Monteith Street crossing every afternoon from 3.00pm until 3.10pm. Everyone (students & adults) who are crossing Monteith Street to walk home or to meet waiting cars MUST use this crossing.
Families can meet with teachers at any time if they want to know more about their child's learning, if they want guidance on how to best support their learning at home, or if they have any concerns or problems.
A social for the senior students in Years 7 - 8 is usually held near the end of Term 3.
ALL of the school property is smoke-free and vape-free at all times, including the Hall carpark. Our smoke-free & vape-free policy also applies to all adults taking transport and / or attending off-site school trips, camps or school events.
Students at all levels will take part in a wide range of sport and fitness activities as part of our physical education programme.
The programme includes athletics, swimming, cross-country, ball skills, skipping, aerobics, dance, and a winter sports programme that includes netball, rugby, soccer and gymnastics.
Sporting exchanges are held regularly with other similar-sized schools in the district. Students will be given information about these events in class and in the school newsletters.
Children will have the opportunity to be involved in various sports teams in after-school competition. Full information is available at the beginning of each sport’s season.
At enrolment, and at the beginning of each school year, students are issued with the stationery they require. Children can purchase additional stationery during the year from the Office. Please make sure your child always has the correct books and equipment at school. Your child’s teacher will notify you if additional stationery is required. We will provide stationery labels. You will need to buy a pencil case for your child (Years 3 – 8).
All Year 8 students form the Student Council which organises a number of projects, giving Council members experience in fundraising, running events such as discos, leadership and communicating effectively with their fellow students. The Student Council puts on a number of events through the school year.
The school has a 'no hat means no play' policy. Students must wear sunhats for most of Terms 1 and 4 (dates will be notified in the newsletter). The hat must have a wide brim, which shades the face, ears and neck. It must not have any inappropriate language, symbols, advertising or a draw string. A “legionnaire” style hat with the flaps down is fine. Each class also has sunscreen to use during the summer months.
An AED is located by the main entrance to the School Hall, for school and community use, in an emergency. Dial 111 for the access code and first aid support from Hato Hone St John.
Students who arrive late to school must check in at the school Office before going to their classroom.
Please notify the Office or your child’s teacher if your child needs to leave school early for an appointment. Children can be collected from the school Office. We ask that parents not go directly to the classrooms or into the cloak bays looking for children or to deliver lunches or other items. Where possible, appointments should be made outside school hours.
Classes are rostered to run school assemblies, mostly in Terms 2 & 3. The programme includes the presentation of class items and student awards. Parents are welcome to attend. Dates and times for assemblies are notified through our newsletters.
A number of students bike to school each day. We have the following rules:
- Students must be aged 7 or older and fully aware of road rules.
- Helmets must be worn.
- Bikes are parked in the bike shed and it is recommended that they are locked during the day.
- Bikes must not be ridden in the school grounds. Students must walk their bikes to the school gates and across the Monteith Street crossing.
Halcombe School has a “zero tolerance” approach to bullying. Bullying of any kind - verbal or physical - will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying, no matter how minor they may seem, to their teacher, the duty teacher, or the Principal. Students are taught strategies about how to deal with any incidents of behaviour they do not like.
For a comprehensive definition of bullying and the kinds of behaviour that we consider bullying, and those that are not, please refer to this excellent article (2020 Term 4 week 1; page 2).
Many of our pupils use the school bus service each day. Managing school buses is a major task, and we need the co-operation of families to ensure that our students travel safely and buses are on schedule.
To catch the afternoon bus, children line up outside Rooms 6, 7 and 8 in designated bus lines. The Bus Controller is on duty to supervise. Senior students act as bus monitors.
- The bus leaves school promptly, usually by 3.05pm.
- Students may be allocated a permanent seat on the bus.
- Drivers and bus monitors will report any misbehaviour to the Bus Controller.
- Children are not allowed to eat, drink or use cellphones on the bus. BUS RULES
- The Tokorangi Bus runs in the morning and after school for children in the Fergusson Road, Mt Biggs Road, Pryces Line, Reu Reu Road, Makino Road and Stanway Road area.
- Children that live on the Mangaone Road - Makino Road - Stanway Road loop can get a complementary ride on the Feilding High School bus in the mornings only.
Rooms 5, 6, 7 & 8 have short camps at the beginning of the year. These are usually for two nights and are often held at school. The three senior classes also take part in extended Outdoor Education Camps, usually in Term 4. Information on each camp, including cost, will be sent home during the year. Students are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities for these camps. Meetings for families are held prior to each camp. From time to time, children in other classes may also have the opportunity to have an overnight camp - usually at school.
Parking is provided in the Hall car park and on Monteith Street. Space is limited. Please take care when entering and leaving the car-park, especially during the afternoons. Do not double-park, park on the yellow lines, or on the grass verges outside neighbouring properties. Drivers must reverse into the Hall carparks so that they have clear vision as they drive out. Everyone must use the footpath around the edge of the Hall carpark - no cutting across. Additional parking is available at the front of the school on Monteith Street (please keep clear of bus parks). Everyone (adults & children) MUST use the designated crossing at the corner.
We request that parents don't bring birthday cakes or similar to share with the class on their child's birthday. We don't need party invitations, Christmas cards or candy canes being handed out at school either. This often singles out children and produces excess rubbish.
Students must not use cellphones at school or on the buses. Phones must be handed in to the Office for the day. Phones found at school without permission will be confiscated.
The Charter is an important document that outlines the direction for Halcombe School. It is developed by the Board of Trustees in consultation with our school community and is regularly reviewed. Policies on all aspects of school management are also developed and reviewed by the Board. See Board Documents.
We actively encourage children to have pride in self, have a continual focus on their learning, and ensure what they wear and how it is worn allows them to be safe. These rules may seem ‘traditional’ but they allow our students to concentrate on things that matter in school. While Halcombe School encourages individuality, some styles of clothing and accessories are unsuitable and inappropriate for school.
- Having hair out of eyes is important. If hair is shoulder length or longer it must be tied back. Hair should be tied back with simple hair clips and ties, and worn in a natural style/colour, not dyed. Styles that create distraction, or are unsafe in the playground, are not allowed (e.g mullets, rat’s tail, mohawks or shaved pictures/patterns).
Dress-up days are treated differently. - Shoes should have flat soles - for example sports shoes, sneakers or sandals. Heeled shoes are not appropriate for school. .
- Suitable clothing must be worn for sporting activities.
- Jackets are to be worn outside, not in the classroom.
- Halter neck tops, crop-top and shoe-string singlets are not appropriate.
- T-shirts should have a short sleeve, not singlet style.
- Underwear should not be visible.
- No jewelry apart from a wristwatch and stud earrings. Should any exemption be requested, application should be made to the Principal.
- Taonga are allowed, but must be taken off for sports activities. They should be tucked beneath clothing during the day.
- Fingernails must be kept short. No nail polish.
- No make-up is to be worn.
- We encourage suitable clothing so children can learn and be active without distraction. If in doubt, please ask the principal or classroom teacher.
Our Code of Behaviour sets out our expectations for students, staff and families, as we strive to achieve our Vision and be a successful school.
The Board of Trustees is committed to building and maintaining a strong partnership with the whole community. From time to time you will have the opportunity to respond to surveys from the Board. Community meetings, forums and surveys are held periodically where parents have the opportunity to share their ideas on a range of issues.
If there are problems at school or you are unhappy about something, please talk to your child's teacher or contact the office as soon as possible. Please follow our Concern or Questions Process for a satisfactory outcome. We are always happy to help and want to put things right.
It is important that the information we have about your child is up to date. Please let us know of any changes, especially telephone contact numbers, health issues and guardianship. From time to time we will need to contact families if a child is unwell or we have a serious incident. It can be very difficult and time-consuming for us, and stressful for your child, if we cannot contact you quickly. We update all contact information for students at the start of each school year. Remember that the KIT Book is also available as an excellent way to communicate with teachers.
At the beginning of each year, we ask for a small financial contribution from all families. The school contribution helps us to provide a full range of resources and activities, including classroom essentials, such as tissues, sunblock and the weekly newsletter. If families do not pay the charge, please provide your child with tissues and sunblock. No hard copy of the newsletter will be sent home. Regular fundraising helps us to keep these charges to a minimum. We also collect fees for Technology for Year 7 & 8 students. Charges are collected in Term 1.
Please follow the latest advice on the COVID-19 Health Hub website:
The Curriculum is 'what our children are learning.' Halcombe School is guided by The New Zealand Curriculum and develops its own curriculum that meets the learning needs and aspirations of our students. There are eight learning areas in The New Zealand Curriculum: English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Learning Languages, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Sciences, and Technology. A range of topics and a process of inquiry helps us to link these curriculum areas in meaningful ways.
The 'Key Competencies' (see below), which sit alongside the learning areas, are designed to encourage enjoyment of learning, the ability to think critically, manage self, set goals to overcome obstacles and get along with others – the attributes children need to succeed as adults.
Our curriculum is developed by our Principal and teachers. Our Board of Trustees is required to make sure that a quality programme of teaching and learning is in place. We regularly assess all students and report on their progress to their families and, in broad groups, to the Board or Trustees and Ministry of Education. See also 'Reporting to Parents' below.
Every year, and at Enrolment, families must complete the Digital Citizenship Agreement for each student before that child can use devices. The Agreement outlines the school's policy and rules for the acceptable use of the internet and all areas of ICT at school.
We will request permission at Enrolment for the school to publish a child's image and/or school work online. It is important that parents understand these issues. If you have any questions, please ask. Please also see 'Publication of Student Images and School Work' (below). The school may use 'The Harmful Digital Communications Act' (2015) in cases of inappropriate use of social media e.g. Facebook.
If you need to bring in items to your children during the school day - for example forgotten books, lunches, or sports gear - please come to the Office and we will deliver items for you. We ask that parents not go directly to the classrooms or cloak-bays.
Dental therapists will treat pre-schoolers and school students using the Mobile Dental Service. You will be notified through the newsletter when the dental therapists are next at school. You are welcome to contact the dental therapists at any time if you have concerns about your child’s oral health. Please phone 06 322 8791 or 0800 825 583.
At Halcombe School we encourage children to be responsible for their own actions and to treat others as they would like to be treated. We find that attention-seeking behaviour, both in classrooms and the playground, is often best dealt with by removing the student from the ‘audience’. We encourage an atmosphere where children feel comfortable speaking out about bullying and unacceptable behaviour. Parents will be called if behaviour is causing concern, so that the home and school can work through the issues together. Recurrent disruptive, abusive or aggressive behaviour and wilful damage are very serious matters and will be treated accordingly.
Dogs are not permitted in the school grounds unless part of the school programme. Please let us know if you see a dog in the school grounds out of school hours.
Prospective students and their families are encouraged to visit the school, prior to enrolling, to meet the Principal and our friendly teachers and support staff, and take a tour of the school and classrooms. Please contact the Office 06 328 8845 for more information and to make an appointment.
Our Board of Trustees has implemented an Enrolment Scheme for Halcombe School.
Enrolment Process - to enrol a student we will require:
- A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport (to confirm date of birth and NZ citizenship or residency)*
- A copy of your child’s immunisation record (if applicable)
- A copy of any court documents relating to access or custody (if applicable)
You will complete enrolment forms for the school, as well as for the WDHB Dental Service, and you will complete a Digital Citizenship Agreement for your child (regarding the safe and responsible use of computers, other IT devices and the internet).
All enrolment forms are available at the school Office. Please note: children will not be able to attend school until all paperwork has been completed and returned to the Office.
For children transferring from another school in New Zealand, we will contact that school to confirm that students have enrolled at a new school and request their academic information for our teachers.
New Entrant Before-School Visits: Preschoolers will visit for a number of sessions before officially starting school. Our new entrant teacher will arrange these visits with you. During these visits, you can collect your enrolment forms, class information and student stationery from the Office and make arrangements for school buses etc.
New Entrant Start Dates: New entrant children will start school on the Monday following their 5th birthday: if Monday is a public holiday, then children will start on Tuesday. If their birthday is a Monday, they can start that day, or the following week.
Halcombe School has a popular Facebook page. Regular posts keep everyone up-to-date with school news, photos and important daily notices about events e.g. bus issues, school closures, sports cancellations, classes returning from trips.
You are welcome to leave a comment, but please keep it positive. Our school Facebook page is not the place to air grievances. Comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted. Except in special circumstances, we do not answer questions that are asked on Facebook.
Head lice are a recurring problem in all schools and we appreciate families doing their best to control outbreaks. We will check students' hair if we suspect head lice are present. We request consent at Enrolment for this to be done. In the case of persistent infestation, a student with headlice may be asked to stay home until the lice are treated.
Please keep us informed of any heath issues that may affect your child at school or impact on their ability to learn. We update student health records and contact details at the start of each school year. See also "Illness, Accidents & Emergencies" below.
'Homework' is a topic that can cause much tension in families. At Halcombe School, we have given this issue much consideration and have produced our own philosophy on 'Home Learning'.
Our expectations around Home Learning:
- Apart from reading, basic maths facts and a little spelling, no homework will be ‘set’. If your child needs help with learning their basic facts or spelling, teachers will send activities home. It would be fantastic if you could help them with this.
- Children from home learning environments where reading is valued, where new ideas are seen as exciting, and simple fun activities are provided, will enjoy learning.
- Please read to your child and/or listen to them read each night and, for older children, encourage them to read EVERY NIGHT! This should be a relaxed time for enjoying books. Show children that reading is valued in your family by reading too, even if it’s just the newspaper or a magazine. There is overwhelming evidence to show that reading is the most important skill for children to develop and leads to success in all other areas of learning. Reading to your child, with your child and alongside your child is clearly crucial to success at school. It’s also important for our boys that they see male role models reading too.
- Play games with your children which involve counting and maths ideas, such as ‘Ludo’ and cards, and talk about numbers in everyday life, for example on number plates and phone numbers. Involve your children in activities which involve measuring and having problems to solve.
- From time-to-time, older students may choose to complete a task at home. That is their decision.
A ‘House’ system operates throughout the school for inter-house sport and other competitions held at during the year. When your child enrols they will be placed in one of four houses: Kauri, Matai, Rimu, or Totara. If you are a former pupil, please let us know, as we follow family traditions when placing your children in a House. Senior students act as ‘House Leaders’.
Students do occasionally become ill or hurt themselves at school. We have a well-equipped sick-bay and a staff member has designated responsibility for this area. All staff have experience and training in first aid. Unless injuries or health concerns are minor, we will consult with families and may send children home. If we cannot contact you directly, we will use your emergency contacts. In emergencies, we may contact your GP for further advice or call an ambulance. Families give permission at Enrolment for emergency medical care to be sought on their behalf.
Please keep your contact details up-to-date and let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s health. We update student health records and contact details at the start of each school year. See also “Medication at School” below.
We have EFTPOS at the Office and we also accept online or internet banking payments for most school events or activities, including stationery purchases, camp fees, bus tickets and the school charge. Our bank account details are: 01 0625 0106729 00 (ANZ Feilding). Please use student or family name, event and/or invoice number as a reference. Make sure online payments are received by the school by the due date.
The Key Competencies are the capabilities people need to live, learn, work and contribute as active members of their communities. They are threaded throughout all dimensions of the school curriculum, all the learning areas, and our vision and our values. The key competencies are designed to encourage enjoyment of learning, the ability to think critically, manage self, set goals to overcome obstacles and get along with others - the attributes children need to succeed as adults.
Thinking: Use creative, critical, meta-cognitive and reflective processes to make sense of information, ideas, experiences. Actively seek, use and create knowledge. Reflect on own learning, draw on personal knowledge and intuitions, ask questions, challenge the basis of assumption and perceptions.
Using language, symbols and texts: Interpret and use words, number, images, movement, metaphor and technologies in a range of situations. Recognise how choices of language and symbol affect people’s understanding and ways in which they respond to communications. Use ICT confidently to communicate and access information.
Managing self: A ‘can do’ attitude and self-motivation. Set personal goals, make plans, have high personal standards. Be enterprising, resourceful, reliable, resilient. Have strategies for meeting challenges. Know when and how to follow someone’s lead, or make own well-informed choices.
Relating to others: Interact effectively with a diverse range of people in a variety of contexts. Listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate and share ideas. Open to new learning. Take different roles in different situations. Know when it is appropriate to compete, and when it is appropriate to co-operate.
Participating and contributing: Participating actively in local, national, global communities. Respond appropriately as a group member. Make connections to others. Create opportunities for including people in group activities.
Ask your child and see their teacher for more information about the 'Key Comp's' at Halcombe School.
The KIT Book is a 'Keeping in Touch' book. It will contain important class notices and provides a chance for families and teachers to communicate about students and their learning. Students should bring their KIT Books home every day.
Our school has a very well-resourced library. All children are able to borrow books each week and all classes have a set library time.
The Lost Property box is at the back of Rooms 3 and 4. Check it for any misplaced items! The school requests that you name all your child’s clothing.
Good nutrition maximises your child’s ability to stay alert and focused on their learning. You are encouraged to provide simple, nutritious healthy lunches for your children; for example sandwiches, fruit, plain biscuits and water. Please do not pack sweets or chocolate bars.
- Halcombe School is a 'water only' school. This means juice, canned or bottled drinks are not permitted.
- During the winter months, students can bring food wrapped in tinfoil which we will heat for them in the pie-warmers (see 'Pie Warmer Lunches' below).
Please name these lunches with Vivid and add the room number. - Students take any left-over food and all lunch rubbish HOME. This reduces the amount of rubbish that our school has to deal with, and helps students and their families to monitor the amount of food that may be wasted.
Unless specifically requested by a GP or medical specialist, medication will NOT be administered by school staff to students at school.
- Exception is only made for students who regularly use asthma relievers or who need emergency medicines to be kept on-hand (e.g. diabetes supplies, 'Epipen' for severe allergy). Please contact the Office if you require more information.
- Special arrangements will be made for students on overnight camps/trips.
- We will not administer short-term prescription medication (such as antibiotics), cough mixture, antihistamines or headache treatments (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen).
- We will not hold supplies of medicines “just in case” they are required.
- Please DO NOT send cough lozenges, hay-fever tablets or other non-prescription medicines to school for students to administer themselves.
Weekly newsletters are sent home with every Tuesday to keep you informed of events at school. The newsletter is also available from the Newsletters page of this website. And please check KIT Books daily for class notices and messages from your child's teacher.
The School Office is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday – Friday, during term. The School Secretary will be happy to assist you.
There are often opportunities for parents/caregivers to assist in the classroom or to help with special projects such as ‘art days’ or sports practices. If you are available to act as a parent-help, whether on a regular basis or for a short period only, please talk with your child’s teacher or contact the Office. Please note that it may not always be suitable for preschoolers to accompany you while you are parent-helping.
The staff at Halcombe School are responsible for the social and emotional well-being and safety of all our students. The school has a genuine concern for the pastoral care of our students. If there are personal or confidential matters affecting your child that may impact on their learning or behaviour, we hope you will feel comfortable talking to us and allow us to find ways to offer support.
Halcombe School holds a Pet Day early in Term 4, in conjunction with the 'Manawatu Oroua Boys and Girls Agricultural Club'.
Pet Day is very much a whole-school and community day. Pet Day includes calf, lamb and kid (goat) competitions, dogs and other pets. Horses may be entered in the pet section, but may not be ridden at school. Information and entry forms will be available in Term 3 via the newsletter. Children also contribute to indoor exhibits and displays as part of Pet Day. Details are given in class.
Students at all levels will take part in a wide range of sport and fitness activities as part of our physical education programme. The programme includes athletics, swimming, cross-country, ball skills, te reo kori, dance and gymnastics.
During Terms 2 & 3, we provide pie warmers in the admin area for children to heat up their winter lunches.
- Popular choices are small pies, toasted sandwiches, pizza, mac 'n cheese, sausage rolls, pasta, left-overs.
- Bring your lunches to the office before school and place them in the pie warmer.
- Wrap lunches securely in tinfoil or use small tinfoil containers.
- Name lunches clearly - student name & room number. Lunches are delivered to each class before the lunch bell.
- Bring your own cutlery - spoons or forks - if required.
Halcombe Playcentre is a family-based co-operative Early Childhood Education Service. Please phone Halcombe Playcentre
(06 328 8693) for more information or visit their Facebook page.
The Junior Christmas Party and Senior Prizegiving are held during the final weeks of the school year.
- The Junior Christmas Party is usually an afternoon function and celebrates the efforts and achievements of all our junior students.
- The Senior Prizegiving is an important occasion as we farewell our Year 8 students and recognise the efforts and achievements of all senior students. It is a formal evening function.
Information that is collected by the school about your child becomes part of their essential school records. Your child's records may be viewed on request at the school. Families give permission at Enrolment for pupil information to be forwarded to appropriate health and educational authorities, within the limitations of the Privacy Act. The school has a designated Privacy Officer to discuss inquiries about students’ privacy. The school’s Privacy Officer is Mr Alastair Schaw (Principal).
Public Health nurses work with our school to provide health information for teachers and families, and to carry out routine vision and hearing tests and vaccination programmes. See also "Vision and Hearing" below. Individual children can be referred to the Public Health Service for assistance with health or welfare problems.
Public Health nurses carry out routine immunisations at the school (e.g. HPV or Year 7 dTaP vaccinations). Information packs and consent forms are sent home prior to any vaccination programme. The school is required to maintain an Immunisation Register with data on all students. We collect this information at Enrolment.
A teacher is on duty to supervise children using the Monteith Street crossing every afternoon from 3.00pm until 3.10pm. Everyone (students & adults) who are crossing Monteith Street to walk home or to meet waiting cars MUST use this crossing.
Families can meet with teachers at any time if they want to know more about their child's learning, if they want guidance on how to best support their learning at home, or if they have any concerns or problems.
A social for the senior students in Years 7 - 8 is usually held near the end of Term 3.
ALL of the school property is smoke-free and vape-free at all times, including the Hall carpark. Our smoke-free & vape-free policy also applies to all adults taking transport and / or attending off-site school trips, camps or school events.
Students at all levels will take part in a wide range of sport and fitness activities as part of our physical education programme.
The programme includes athletics, swimming, cross-country, ball skills, skipping, aerobics, dance, and a winter sports programme that includes netball, rugby, soccer and gymnastics.
Sporting exchanges are held regularly with other similar-sized schools in the district. Students will be given information about these events in class and in the school newsletters.
Children will have the opportunity to be involved in various sports teams in after-school competition. Full information is available at the beginning of each sport’s season.
At enrolment, and at the beginning of each school year, students are issued with the stationery they require. Children can purchase additional stationery during the year from the Office. Please make sure your child always has the correct books and equipment at school. Your child’s teacher will notify you if additional stationery is required. We will provide stationery labels. You will need to buy a pencil case for your child (Years 3 – 8).
All Year 8 students form the Student Council which organises a number of projects, giving Council members experience in fundraising, running events such as discos, leadership and communicating effectively with their fellow students. The Student Council puts on a number of events through the school year.
The school has a 'no hat means no play' policy. Students must wear sunhats for most of Terms 1 and 4 (dates will be notified in the newsletter). The hat must have a wide brim, which shades the face, ears and neck. It must not have any inappropriate language, symbols, advertising or a draw string. A “legionnaire” style hat with the flaps down is fine. Each class also has sunscreen to use during the summer months.
During Term 1, all students take part in a daily swimming programme. They need to bring togs and towel in a waterproof bag every day. Please refer to the chart for appropriate school swimwear. Girls must wear a one-piece suit, or have their midriff covered if wearing a two-piece suit. Boys should wear proper swimming shorts (not shorts they would wear in class) above the knee, or ‘speedos’. We recommend that students also wear sunscreen in the pool. If your child is unable to participate in swimming on a particular day, you should let us know. Junior and Senior Swimming Sports are held in March. The Junior Sports are held in the school pool and the Senior Sports at the Makino Aquatic Centre Pool in Feilding. |
The community may use the school pool outside of school hours (dates to be notified). Pool keys can be purchased at the start of the year. An agreement regarding Conditions of Use must be signed before keys are issued. See the newsletter for details.
Teaching in specialist technology areas for Year 7 and 8 students is provided at the school, usually in Terms 2 & 3. Technology includes a range of topics such as electronics, art & design, soft materials (sewing & textiles), food technology (cooking), hard materials (woodwork) and digital technology. An annual fee is charged and an invoice will be issued. Full details of the programme will be given in class.
The community may use the school pool outside of school hours (dates to be notified). Pool keys can be purchased at the start of the year. An agreement regarding Conditions of Use must be signed before keys are issued. See the newsletter for details.
Teaching in specialist technology areas for Year 7 and 8 students is provided at the school, usually in Terms 2 & 3. Technology includes a range of topics such as electronics, art & design, soft materials (sewing & textiles), food technology (cooking), hard materials (woodwork) and digital technology. An annual fee is charged and an invoice will be issued. Full details of the programme will be given in class.
Students should not bring toys to school unless permission is given by the teacher (e.g. for sharing days). No responsibility can be accepted by the school for loss or damage to these items. Devices, such as cell-phones and hand-held games, and collectable cards or trading cards should not be brought to school. Patter tennis bats are an exception to this rule.
We have a few rules for trampoline use that apply for in-school use and out-of-school use by the public as well.
Students should not bring toys to school unless permission is given by the teacher (e.g. for sharing days). No responsibility can be accepted by the school for loss or damage to these items. Devices, such as cell-phones and hand-held games, and collectable cards or trading cards should not be brought to school. Patter tennis bats are an exception to this rule.
We have a few rules for trampoline use that apply for in-school use and out-of-school use by the public as well.
- ONE person at a time
- Bare feet only - no shoes
- No sharp items
- Do not go underneath the trampolines
- Hair must be tied back
- Use the steps.
We appreciate parents/caregivers being able to provide transport for school trips and sporting events. However, we must insist that:
Full information and permission slips will be given out prior to each trip.
We appreciate parents/caregivers being able to provide transport for school trips and sporting events. However, we must insist that:
- ALL children are fitted with their own seat belt, with approved child restraints for children up to 7 years of age.
- ALL adults are fitted with their own seat belt.
- Vehicles must have a current WOF and be insured.
- Vehicles must be registered and the driver must be licensed.
Full information and permission slips will be given out prior to each trip.
Routine Vision and Hearing tests are carried out at the school by Public Health technicians. Families give consent at Enrolment for their children to be tested. Any student that may have a hearing or vision problem can be referred for testing at any time. Please speak to your classroom teacher or Office staff if you have any concerns. The Public Health Service also runs regular free vision & hearing clinics. Please phone (06) 350 4560 or 0800 153 042 for more information and to make an appointment.
Routine Vision and Hearing tests are carried out at the school by Public Health technicians. Families give consent at Enrolment for their children to be tested. Any student that may have a hearing or vision problem can be referred for testing at any time. Please speak to your classroom teacher or Office staff if you have any concerns. The Public Health Service also runs regular free vision & hearing clinics. Please phone (06) 350 4560 or 0800 153 042 for more information and to make an appointment.
our vision and values
OUR VISION: Confident, connected, actively involved, life-long learners.
OUR VALUES: Attitude - Adventure - Achievement
- Confident
Positive in their own identity
Motivated and reliable
Enterprising and entrepreneurial
Resilient - Connected
Able to relate well to others
Effective users of communication tools
Connected to the land and environment
Members of communities
International citizens - Actively involved
Participants in a range of contexts
Contributors to the well-being of New Zealand – social, cultural, economic, and environmental - Life-long learners
Literate and numerate
Critical and creative thinkers
Active seekers, users, and creators of knowledge
Informed decision makers
OUR VALUES: Attitude - Adventure - Achievement
- Attitude
Show respect for self, others and the community
Show perseverance, confidence and resourcefulness
Be kind, tolerant, polite and cooperate with others
Be positive and have a ‘can do’ attitude
Be honest and reliable. - Adventure
Be a risk-taker and show curiosity
Be involved, innovative, and a critical thinker
Have humour and show creativity. - Achievement
Be responsible, make our own decisions, reflect, and manage ourselves
Always strive to do our best.